The Estonian Reserve Officers’ Association

The Estonian Reserve Officers' Association (EROA) unites the military reserve leaders of the Estonian Republic - officers and non-commissioned officers, as well as other people interested in national defense who want to contribute to the achievement of EROK's goals.

EROA vision
We unite all military reserve leaders, supporting their development in military training and service in cooperation with the Defense Forces and the Defense League to increase Estonia's defense capability.

EROA mission

Uniting, representing and supporting reserve leaders' development.

Contributing to the organization of national defense and improving the will to defend of the Estonian population.

The Estonian Reserve Officers’ Association (EROA) was founded on June 22 1997 upon the initiative of the participants of the first two voluntary reserve officers training courses held at the Battle School of the Defence Forces in Meegomäe, Võru County. The driving force bringing the volunteers together was their common concern for Estonia’s national security and the need to improve the will of defence of the nation.